Secondary School Registration
The Wellington Catholic District School Board is home to close to 3,000 secondary students in 4 secondary schools serving families from across the City of Guelph and Wellington County. Our Catholic schools are founded on a commitment to high standards for achievement and the faith formation of our students.
It is the philosophy of the WCDSB that all students, regardless of their social, emotional behavioural, physical and developmental abilities will experience a sense of belonging and of being included in our community, reflecting our commitment to the pursuit of inclusion strategies throughout our practices and services.
We believe that all students can succeed. Our goal is to ensure that students graduate from high school so that they may move on to the pathway destination of their choice. Pathways can lead to a destination of choice: Apprenticeship, College, Community Living, University or Work.
There are six ways students can participate in innovative programs that help take students beyond the traditional classroom. These include Student Success Teams, Specialist High Skills Majors, Expanded Co-op Projects, Dual Credit Programs, and an expanded focus on the Grade 8 to 9 transition.
If you are interested in registering in any of our schools, please contact your local secondary school administration. A list of administration can be found here.
We are so excited that you are considering joining us at one of our high schools! Check out the following documents that welcomed students and shared the course offered:
Plan Your Courses 2024-2025
Here I am Booklet 2023