Lourdes Guidance Department

The guidance department at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic High School believes that an effective guidance and counselling program should be integrated into the school curriculum and be available to all students. The variety of curriculum choices, the changes in diploma requirements, the vast number of post-secondary options available today and the complexities of the modern world make it essential that a high priority be given to the services of the Guidance and Counselling Department.

The Guidance Department is open from 8:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Many of our programs are delivered over the lunch hour, but we also remain open for arranging appointments or picking up information. Drop by and see Mrs. Duffield to make an appointment with your counsellor. Guidance and support staff can also be reached by calling (519) 836-2170.

Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Karen Duffield                                  Ext. 103510

Department Head

Ms. Marianne Sullivan                              Ext. 103512

Guidance Counsellors                                                                                       
Ms. Marianne Sullivan                             Ext. 103512                           
Mrs. Chantal Smiley                                 Ext. 103513                      
Mr. Ted Imre                                             Ext. 103511                   

Student Success Teacher

Mrs. Chantal Smiley                                  Ext. 103513


Guidance Support Staff
Ms. Cindy Carter                                        Ext. 103516
Social Worker

Community Alcohol & Drug                        Contact Guidance Office
Services Worker

Additional Information


How do I make an appointment with a Guidance Counsellor?

Complete a "Request for Appointment" form which is located inside the entrance to the guidance office and place your completed form in the tray beside the blank forms. Appointments are normally processed on a daily basis and the slips are distributed to you via your homeroom teacher the next morning. If your visit is of an urgent nature, please let a counsellor or the Guidance Secretary know as it may be possible to get an appointment that day.

How do I drop or change a class?

Make an appointment with a counsellor to discuss your intentions. Should a drop or change be in order, a form may need to be completed and signed before the drop or change takes place.

What is a 'transcript'?

The Ontario Student Transcript is an official document which is a record of the Ontario secondary school credit courses successfully completed by a student. All Grade 11 and 12 marks, both successful and unsuccessful are to be recorded (see 'full disclosure' for details).

What is 'full disclosure'?

Full disclosure means all marks for Grades 11 and 12 courses will be recorded on your transcript. Therefore, along with your Grades 9 and 10 marks, the following will be recorded on your transcript for Grades 11 and 12 courses:
- final marks for courses, including failing grades
- repeated courses (each attempt at a course and the mark earned)
- dropped courses (students have 5 days after the mid-term report to withdraw from a course without penalty. If   a course is dropped after this date, the course and the mark at the time of withdrawal will be recorded on the transcript).

How do I obtain a copy of my Ontario Student Transcript?

If you are still in school or are no longer attending high school, please call the Guidance office or see the Guidance secretary personally to make your request (see "Staff" for contact information). Allow at least two days for processing. There is no charge for students currently enrolled at Our Lady of Lourdes C.H.S. For all others, the fee is $2.00 for each transcript requested. 

How do I make an appointment with any of the support staff?

If you wish to make an appointment with the social worker, child and youth worker, or Community Alcohol and Drug Services (CADS) worker, fill out a "Request for Appointment" form and check the specific support staff you would like to see. You may place this in the small wooden box or hand your slip directly to the Guidance Secretary. Please note that support staff are not in school every day but do make regular visits to the school.

How do I sign up for a presentation put on by the Guidance Department?

Sign up sheets are usually located on the computer tables nearest to the entrance. Indicate what presentation(s) you would like to be part of and hand to one of the Guidance Counsellors or the Guidance Secretary. Please make a note of the date, time and location of the presentation in your agenda so you don't forget. You must sign up in advance in order to attend.

How do I obtain a reference letter?

First, you should ensure the person whom you wish to provide you with the reference is willing to do so. You should select someone who knows you well and can speak to the positive qualities and attributes you have. Please provide the individual who has agreed to write a reference letter for you with specific details outlining what you require (e.g. job related, scholarship, etc.). You should allow for at least one week for processing.