For up to date information related to all pathways, please visit myBlueprint at You can access your account with your school login.
If you are a 'new user', the activation key is ourlourdes.
Helpful Websites:
The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) website provides general information about OYAP as well as information specific to our school board (including dual credit apprenticeship
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
Skilled Trades in Schools
Helpful Websites:
Ontario Colleges
The Ontario Colleges website is 'one stop shopping' where users can find programs, compare programs
within and between Ontario colleges, and apply or confirm offers of admission.
Helpful Websites:
Ontario Universities Information
The Ontario Universities Information website has a wealth of information about programs, admission requirements, student services and so much more!
The Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) is the website where students, graduating from high school, apply to undergraduate programs.
Ontario Student Assistance program (OSAP)
The Ontario Student Assistance Program is a government financial aid program that can help students pay for college or university.
Helpful Websites:
2nd Chance Employment Services
Second Chance Employment Services provides supports and counselling to assist young people in obtaining employment or exploring training/career options. They also have on-line resources to assist with job searches.