Our Lady of Lourdes CHS Presents: The Annual Guelph Veterans Remembrance Panel

On Thursday, November 9 Our Lady of Lourdes CHS welcomed Sgt. David Noonan, Able Seamon Michael Bladon, Corporal Moe Ferris, Rifleman Jacques De Winter, Captain Rod Pettigrew, Craftsman Ted Ford, Sgt. Major James Stoneburgh, Bandsman Chuck, Master Warrant, Sgt. Major 31 Brigade Battle School - Edwin Haugen, and Sgt. Michael Seitz for the 18th Annual Guelph Veterans Remembrance Panel.
Students listened to the vets tell their own individual story and then asked questions of their experience. This panel is a unique opportunity for students to meet and talk to Guelph Veterans and learn first-hand about the many sacrifices our veterans have made to preserve peace and democracy and to remember that we must never forget the sacrifice of our veterans.